My Dear Toilet: Transforming the Ordinary into Art

A Unique Perspective on the Unsung Hero of Our Lives

By Yen-Yu Chen

In a world where art can be found in every corner, it's time to challenge the boundaries of creativity and redefine what we consider as artistic. Yen-Yu Chen, a visionary photographer, has taken on the challenge by transforming the humble toilet seat into a stunning piece of artwork. Through his project, aptly named "My Dear Toilet," Chen aims to subvert the negative image associated with toilets and bring attention to the often-overlooked role they play in our lives.

The inspiration for "My Dear Toilet" came from Chen's realization that toilets are often seen as unsanitary and are looked down upon. However, these essential fixtures are witnesses to our most intimate moments, offering us a space to be our true selves. Chen believes that toilets deserve recognition and respect, and he aims to convey this message through his unique artwork.

What sets "My Dear Toilet" apart is the fact that the toilet seat itself becomes the canvas for Chen's artistic expression. By transforming the seat into a beautiful frame, he turns it into a unique painting, challenging the notion that toilets are merely functional objects. Through his art, Chen aims to subvert the negative perception of toilets and stop the discrimination against toilet cleaners, who work tirelessly to provide us with clean and comfortable spaces.

The realization of Chen's vision involves a combination of photography, acrylic gouache, and woolen materials. The result is a series of captivating photographs that capture the essence of the toilet seat as a work of art. Each photograph tells a story, conveying the idea that external value does not define the true worth of an entity.

Creating "My Dear Toilet" was not without its challenges. Chen faced difficulties in painting and decorating the toilet seat, as he wanted to ensure it was not synthetic. Additionally, positioning the seat while working on it required careful coordination, often involving the use of strings to hang it in the desired scenes. Furthermore, capturing the right facial expressions of the models added another layer of complexity to the project.

Through "My Dear Toilet," Chen invites us to reflect on our subjective consciousness and how it influences our judgment. He challenges us to look beyond the surface and appreciate the beauty in everything, even the most ordinary objects. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and find beauty in unexpected places.

"My Dear Toilet" is a testament to Chen's artistic vision and his ability to transform the mundane into the extraordinary. It serves as a reminder that art knows no boundaries and can be found in the most unexpected places. Through his unique perspective, Chen invites us to appreciate the unsung heroes of our lives and find beauty in the everyday.


Photos #NO1: Photographer Yen-Yu Chen

Photos #NO2: Photographer Yen-Yu Chen

Photos #NO3: Photographer Yen-Yu Chen

Photos #NO4: Photographer Yen-Yu Chen

Photos #NO5: Photographer Yen-Yu Chen

Awards and Accolades:

This Design was awarded Silver in A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2016. The Silver A' Design Award recognizes designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. "My Dear Toilet" showcases a remarkable level of excellence and introduces positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yen-Yu Chen
Image Credits: Photos #NO1:Photographer Yen yu chen Photos #NO2:Photographer Yen yu chen Photos #NO3:Photographer Yen yu chen Photos #NO4:Photographer Yen yu chen Photos #NO5:Photographer Yen yu chen
Project Team Members: Yen-Yu Chen
Project Name: My dear toilet
Project Client: Yen-Yu Chen

My dear toilet IMG #2
My dear toilet IMG #3
My dear toilet IMG #4
My dear toilet IMG #5
My dear toilet IMG #5

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